Today’s music radio programmer wears many hats - all important - but can be a distraction to one of the most important roles they have: getting their music right, choosing the right songs for the right audience and emphasizing the right “hits”.

And it’s becoming more difficult to decipher the true trends in music as audience fragmentation increases chances for mistakes.

We have heard from many programmers that time is their most valuable asset; and they don’t have enough of it; they would like to spend more time making sure their music structure is as good as it can be. They want to get it right.

Bridge Ratings StreamStats’ New service, Music Assist, delivers weekly analysis of station playlists customized for market and station P1 listeners.

Each week a complete finished music list is emailed on music day built by the industry’s premier music streaming research company and its president and veteran programmer, Dave Van Dyke.

The proprietary streaming data upon which the chart is based ensures that true consumption of the station’s music is properly reflected. Then it’s up to the program director and their staff to review and adjust their music categories as needed.

Each weekly chart includes:

  • The station’s current and recurrent songs which enables a proper perspective on each song’s value.

  • On-demand streaming popularity and passion stats to assist programmers with song fatigue and sustainability.

  • Potential appropriate titles the station is not playing that its core audience is streaming. This invaluable tool gives programmers insights into songs they are considering for airplay.

  • Weekly phone collaboration with Dave Van Dyke if needed.

Pricing is on cash basis by market size.

Contact Dave Van Dyke for more insight into this valuable service which gives time back to programmers in the form of customized music lists sourced through today’s most-accurate on-demand music streaming data.


phone: 323.696.0967